2023.08.18 update
標高の高い山々が連なる 「ヒマラヤ山脈」。
その中でも、ネパールとチベットの国境を跨ぐようにそびえる標高7,110メートルのガネーシュヒ マールは、サンスクリット語で 「ガネーシャが守り続ける山」を意味し、幸福と財産をもたらす神の山としても崇められている。
険しい岩山の奥にある鉱脈場で、危険を承知でこの水晶を“人の手”で掘り出し片道3日間以上を 費やして担いで麓の村に下り帰ってくる。
その理由は重機を導入できない採掘現場と、 採掘環境を守るための制限も影響している。ガネーシュヒマール水晶が採れる採石場には、 ネパールの採掘許可を得ている限られた人だけが入ることを許されていることから、 採掘量も当然少ないことがわかる。
Himalayas range of high mountains.
Numerous crystals are quarried on 14 mountains with altitudes of 6,000 to 8,000 meters.
Among them, Ganesh Himal, which stands 7,110 meters above sea level and straddles the border between Nepal and Tibet, is a Sanskrit word meaning “mountain protected by Ganesha” and is worshiped as a mountain of God that brings happiness and wealth.
Ganesh Himal production area
Himalayan crystals are mined from places where the Ganesh Himal, which is protected by the elephant-shaped Ganesha God, has no roads and even steep mountain roads are cut off, and you can reach it by climbing rocks.
At a quarry located deep in a steep rocky mountain, the crystal is excavated by “human hands” despite the danger, and it takes more than three days each way to carry it down to the village at the foot of the mountain.
The low mining volume is also affected by the harsh mining sites
The distribution volume of Himalayan crystals from Ganesh Himal is extremely small, so there are not many stores that sell them.
The reasons for this are the mining sites where heavy machinery cannot be introduced and the restrictions to protect the mining environment. Only a limited number of people who have a mining permit from Nepal are allowed to enter the mining site where Ganesh Himal crystal is mined, so the amount of mining is naturally small.
This Himalayan crystal from Ganesh Himal comes under harsh conditions far from the convenient distribution society of today.
#ヒーリングスペース石家 #ガネーシャが守り続ける山
#長野市天然石 #長野市ガネーシャ置物 #長野市ガネーシュヒマール #ヒマラヤ産水晶ポイント
#HealingSpaceIshiya #MountainthatGaneshacontinuestoprotect
#NaganoCityGaneshHimal #Himalayancrystalpoint